Contact Us

Please use this form for your inquiry about the product, the company, and to request for brochure.

Please press "SEND" button after filling out the following items.
Items with "Required" indicate an indispensable required entry items.

RequiredE-mail address

* Re-enter the email address to confirm.

Name of company
Zip code
RequiredTelephone number
RequiredContent of your inquiry

Please read through the following content and agree with the content before you submit your inquiry to us.

It might take for some time until we actually reply for your inquiry by E-mail. (Inquiry on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays will be corresponded on the following business day or later.) We may not be able to answer for your inquiry due to the content. Please be forewarned. We might contact you by telephone about the detail of your inquiry. So please make sure you fill out your name and telephone number.

The inquiry form adopts SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) as a security technology.

Please see here for the management of personal information on the website of S. ISHIMITSU & Co., LTD.